Got assaulted my mom.
Started out with a jog in the morning on the usual route. Was about to cross the road when I stupidly deviated from the pavement and stepped into a hole in the grass (I think). Next thing I knew my headphones detached from the iPod which went flying in another direction and a loud 'crack' sound, and I'm on the grass. Pushed myself off the ground and felt momentarily glad that I missed the pavement and landed on the grass instead, sat there for a while groaning over my left ankle. Some auntie pushing a silly cart saw me and went on her way, like any typical Singaporean would. I then stood up, picked up the iPod and hobbled to the nearest bus stop and took two buses back.
My brother accompanied me to the doctor's, doctor confirmed that it was only a sprain, gave away $12 for a 5 min consultation. My mom rushed back because my brother phoned her and said I was crying (I was not!) and in pain, and saw that I was neither. Then began her assault. I never quite comprehend my consent to be accupuntured. She had her needles and I was screaming my head off. Then she proceeded on to rub at the injured bit with some ointment and was merciless at that. I writhed and trashed about, hitting her arm as she determinedly went on her way and calling me an ingrate for hurting her so. It was a horrible horrible bit of ordeal.
The ankle swelled even more after that and I could not bring myself to school. And the worst bit is knowing that all the nice 5 min doctor advised was to 'R-rest, I-ice, C-compress, E-elevate it and you'd be well in a week!'
Ironic thing is that last night before sleeping I read this medical case about how this pregnant woman who was suffering from some illness refused to have the c-section against the doctors' advice, but apparently the doctors went ahead with the procedure, saving both mom and baby. The woman sued the hospital after that and the judge said that she had a right to her bodily integrity and freedom of choice so it was an assault to her.
I suppose with regards to moms, children like me have neither such right nor freedom of choice. :p