

How fragile life can be. I just received news that Myadgaa, my Mongolian friend passed away last December. Somehow being miles away news take a longer time to travel.

I've never been that close to Myadgaa, even though I had the privilege of staying over at her place one night. Her mom made fantastic buutz and her dad was really hospitable. Her brother was very amusing and equally amused with Rixin and me. I remember linking hands with Myadgaa and taking a stroll to the barren park. The Mongolian night sky blanketed with a myriad of stars, each a shining diamond, twinkling even as I recall. It was beautiful.

We always knew she was of poor health and Chris emailed us to inform us that her health was deteriorating and needed funds for treatment. We sent our money over and didn't really hear from her since.

What could I have done? On hindsight I wished I had kept in touch with her, got to know her better and to share her life. Somehow it was easy to link hands and walk under the stars together when time was right and we were side by side. Distance made us lose contact and I stopped the effort to keep up with the friendship. Somehow with distance things seem less pressing, more surreal and fictional. I could have told her I was praying for her, yet it would be too late to do so now. I suppose there's a lot more I could have done.

Yet she is well now, she's waiting for us to meet again...someday. I take comfort in the knowledge that we would meet again. And when we do, I would ask for her forgiveness.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sorry to hear about this...