

So much for complaining that learning nothing from Legal Anthropology. I do think I was being rebellious about it, choosing to say that I didn't enjoy it when I actually did learn much from it. God showed me that it was His plan for me to take the Anthropology module because of today's talk about unlearning the colonial missions we are so used to. Vinoth Ramachandra is an excellent speaker and what he said made everything so relevant, made God so relevant, made witnessing so relevant. The snippets of knowledge I got from Anthropology translated into the tangible, the applicable and I actually understood what he was talking about when he went through the colonial missions and how only when we encounter the 'Other' we uncover our blind spots. Okay, really difficult to put it in coherent language here because it's late and my dreams are beckoning.

It was refreshing and I feel suddenly awakened from that drought I felt for a long time. I do feel extremely blessed.

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