
A Breather

I wish I had a camera, so that I can solidify memories and the funny intricate moments and things I see.

Finally taking a breather from the 2 assignments. I've decided that I really kinda hate churning out chunks and chunks of words to prove a point I don't feel much for. At least exams are less hypocritical, if such an adjective justifies.

Transiting back into school life has been difficult, much more difficult than I've imagine. Then again, I made a mistake for returning only one week before school started and then things just spiralled into a blur of events and meeting deadlines. Which is why I'm extremely glad to declare a one week break starting this week, then onto the next assignment.

Been blessed by many people I meet in school. Everyone in the VCF sub-comm has been a darling, people in the computer lab too (where I frequent now) and I made a few new friends too! Went for a jog in the Botanic Gardens with Jin Huang today, and never felt more blessed by the people around me. I enjoy the little walks I take in the Gardens, or a sandwich lunch by the pond. Saw an interesting specie of birds hopping from tree to tree, excited. Observed two chameleons fighting, fierce.

And I wonder how's everyone in China and Philippines doing now.

On an irrelevant note, I wish I was a redhead. Now thinking of whether to take up Natalie's invitation to dye my hair at her place (ok, not the whole head red).

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