

Blogspot is down again but surprisingly Blogger is accessible. I'll just try my luck out with this and bear with the restrictions for a while, after all this is precisely why I came to a foreign land for - to experience its culture, even if it doesn't quite suit me.

Laying down plans for the short time I have here. I am thinking of going to Tibet and stopping by Hongkong to meet up with my tall mortal, CP, Beth and Judyjudyjudy! I hope this works out, it makes me so thrilled thinking about it. At the same time, knowing that my exams end quite early makes me excited about going back, but not necessarily going back to things I actually look forward to, but things I have to work on and I probably need strength and loads of wisdom for that. And ah well, there's still the task of finding someone to rent my place before I leave. Bleagh.

Great news is that my sister will be visiting me in Beijing next week, and then there is Fangxi who will be taking some module in Peking University, and then Sida, Rachel and friends who will begin their backpacking tour starting from Beijing. It feels warm and fuzzy to know that there are visitors from Singapore, almost seems like my prayers about feeling lonely have been answered. Somewhat.

At the same time, I know this sounds like I'm never gonna really stop being restless and sit down and study but hey, I do realise I need to pass! Despite all the reassurance from my really friendly teachers and friends that passing is not a problem, it won't be difficult etc, I wouldn't dare to take chances with answering exam papers in Mandarin. ;p

Looking forward to watching A Midsummer Night's Dream later, and enjoying Gaiman's Sandman adaptation of it at the back of my head!

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