

Just got back from 白洋淀. I really enjoyed myself and learnt a lot simply by being beside, listening, mentally taking down notes of things happening around me. I must say I was really impressed by what I experienced but for some reasons I shall save it to tell you face to face. :) I have a problem with handling information online. Sigh.

But still, thank God so much for this precious opportunity. I have indeed been reminded of being earnest for God and to start doing certain things that have been bugging my heart ever since...too much thinking and pondering, I fear.

The trip however, has left me feeling a bit tired and hence I shall write about God's goodness another time, in another entry. It's our 23rd month today, or rather yesterday and it's really great to journey on the well-lit path, hand-in-hand. Another interesting thing includes the night cycling trip back which I missed, I heard Joel passed Mark and Clara their commie hats which we had bargained so hard for and I'm amused by the mental image of them cycling down the streets of Singapore with a large furry winter cap. Another less interesting thing is that AGM is a few hours away, and I'm vaguely tickled by how things have turned out.

Which makes me miss VCF somehow, especially the uncontrolled laughter that we share. More detailed updates, soon.

1 comment:

mz said...

night cycling???? i missed night cycling?!?!?!?!? NIGHT CYCLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(